All Newsletters

Issue 89

DRD089: We're back in our usual format! Suitable for framing or wrapping fish.

On Jul 21, 2021

Issue 87

DRD087: It's all about making the best use of your time.'

On Jun 23, 2021

Issue 86

DRD086: It's our annual all zombies all the time issue. Actually there are only a couple of items which are anything about zombies, but we just really liked the headline.

On Jun 09, 2021

Issue 85

DRD085: It's the all 2010 all the time issue.

On May 26, 2021

Issue 84

DRD084: Sometimes an old technique can help you solve a new problem.

On May 12, 2021

Issue 83

DRD083: Which language you choose depends a lot on what you plan to do with it.

On Apr 28, 2021

Issue 82

DRD082: We hit 1000 subscribers!

On Apr 14, 2021

Issue 81

DRD081: This issue starts and ends with turning points.

On Mar 31, 2021

Issue 80

DRD080: Comparison is invidious. No, we didn't know, either, but now we do know we couldn't agree more.

On Mar 17, 2021

Issue 79

DRD079: Ask not what Open Source can do for you but rather what you can do for Open Source. That, and goats.

On Mar 03, 2021

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