All Newsletters

Issue 78

DRD078: Smoking soldering irons, full hechts, a treasure trove of free imagery and flabby code...this issue has something for everybody!

On Feb 17, 2021

Issue 77

DRD077: The less said the better.

On Feb 03, 2021

Issue 76

DRD076: New year, new look for the DragonRuby Dispatch! More of what you want, less of what you don't.

On Jan 20, 2021

Issue 75

DRD075: One last look back on 2020 before we forever banish the whole dumpster fire from our collective memories.

On Jan 06, 2021

Issue 74

DRD074: Solving problems the un-modern way, my new Apple Watch and the changing privacy landscape.

On Dec 23, 2020

Issue 73

DRD073: It's our second anniversary and we're celebrating!

On Dec 09, 2020

Issue 72

DRD072: Folks, do we have some gems for you this issue: there's even a setup and a punchline.

On Nov 25, 2020

Issue 71

DRD071: Oh, it's so nice to be back.

On Nov 11, 2020

Issue 70

DRD070: Get your fill of DRD before we take off for an issue or two.

On Sep 30, 2020

Issue 69

DRD069: Why on earth does Tim Horton's need to know where I am ALL THE TIME?

On Sep 16, 2020

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