Issue 120

Lori M Olson Lori M Olson Follow Nov 16, 2022 · 5 mins read
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DRD120: The all mastadons, chickens and eggs issue.
“Mammut americanum skeletal mount on display at the Field Museum of Natural History” in Chicago, Illinois. (credit: Jonathan Chen via Wikimedia under CC BY-SA 4.0)

OPED — Lori’s Unvarnished Opinion


Well, after two and a half years, COVID finally came to my house. So this will be short and sweet, because I really want to go and take another nap.

So, is this a thing? I generally make note of interesting stuff I read, primarily on Twitter, and save links to my newsletter Trello board. When I go to put together a given week’s newsletter, I sort all the stuff I’ve found into categories, and then pick things out for inclusion in the newsletter.

This week, every Twitter post I saved is coming up ‘protected’. Are a lot of people doing this? Switching profiles to protected/private?

Anyway, if you find yourself joining the great Twitter migration to Mastodon, I suspect most of you would find the instance to be quite interesting. I joined quite some time ago ( and recently so did Amir Rajan ( and Matz Matsumoto (

Stampede over and join the party!

RubyConf Mini

One last plug for RubyConf Mini. This afternoon, Cameron Gose will be delivering his DragonRuby workshop: From Start to Published, Create a Game with Ruby! If you couldn’t get to Providence, watch for Cameron’s upcoming workshop at

Tech newsletter content crunch? Intellog can help. And they have a special offer for DRD subscribers: they will curate and write the first issue of your newsletter for free. Find out more.  Sponsored

TALK — Talk of the Tech

Here are our selections from the two most widely used RubyMotion/DRGTK chat spaces, respectively:

  • SlackGitHub Actions are the ‘official’ way of automating software workflows with the promise of being able to “build, test and deploy your code from GitHub”. A discussion on that subject fired up recently, with the intent of making all that goodness happen with RubyMotion.

  • Discord — The prolific Kevin Fischer-Okarin is back at it, this time not with a new game or game jam but a game state inspector called Palantir. Can we also just say that we’re in awe of Kevin’s productivity?!

TWIL — This Week I Learned…

Have you ever had the situation where Apple Maps simply refuses to forget that one time you visited Chuck E. Cheese and keeps routing you back there? After all, junior is in college now. Well, now you can take control of your destination destiny by removing significant locations on your iPhone.

APP — All Things App

As SanketN8 recently wrote on r/androiddev a while back: “how can I get the app license key before publishing…I don’t want to publish the app then get the key and again republish it and send an update”. Classic chicken 🐔 or the egg 🥚 problem, right? There’s a handy device for that.

SPOT — Spotlight On…

On the long long list of things we didn’t know was anything about the Jackson Project or, as you may know it, “the Java JSON library”. What we also didn’t know was that it’s now available to RubyMotion through a project by Darin Wilson called moran (as in “mow ran”).

And on a completely different, unrelated subject—about which we were also clueless—is Olly Mills’ (AKA The Dark Magi) DragonRuby room generation tool. Or, as he likes to call it, a starting point for same. Seems kinda handy.

Do you have a DragonRuby-related product or service you would like to get in front of well over 1,200 raving DragonRuby-istas? If so, please get in touch...we would love to help you get the word out in a sponsored spot like this!  Sponsored

GAME — All Things Gaming

Amir has announced the “last major release of this year” for the DragonRuby Game Toolkit. Wisely, he says “large changes during the holiday season are usually a bad idea”. While we can’t believe it’s already that time of the year, it’s hard to argue with the logic that finessing a tricky release while punchdrunk on eggnog is ill-advised, at best. This final-release-of-2022 comes with Steam Deck remote hotloads which means you’ll probably want to get that done before you, too, become punchdrunk on eggnog.

HAHA — And They All Laughed

The World’s Best DragonRuby Newsletter can be delivered to you—at least it will be if you subscribe! Follow the WNDX School on Facebook, and don’t forget to follow WNDXLori on Twitter and Instagram.

If you enjoyed this issue of the DragonRuby Dispatch, please forward to a friend and ask them to subscribe, too…we really appreciate it!

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“The fossil is not the animal. The fossil is not the bones of the animal. The fossil is the stone’s memory of the bones of the animal. And that’s a poetry older than words.” — The CryptoNaturalist