Issue 119

Lori M Olson Lori M Olson Follow Nov 02, 2022 · 5 mins read
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DRD119: Instead of defining 'done', let's define 'enough'.
Assisi Basilica San Francesco — front and equestrian statue. (credit: Demeester via Wikimedia under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported)

OPED — Lori’s Unvarnished Opinion

Software Is Never Done Until It’s Out of Production

As I wrapped up teaching another live edition of 6 Pack Apps last week, I stumbled across this tweet:

And I suddenly realised that a “definition of enough” is far more in tune with the overall theme of what I am teaching in 6 Pack Apps than “definition of done”. Oh well, too late this time, but I’ll have to add it as a concept during my next live session in the new year.

If you have an interest in my 6 Pack Apps program—whether for developers or entrepreneurs—just hit reply and let me know or join the mailing list. The course for entrepreneurs is complete, and I’m also looking for beta-students for the developers edition.

Programming Ruby 3.2 (5th Edition): The Pragmatic Programmers' Guide

The ‘Pickaxe’ book—the original ‘how to Ruby’ reference and tutorial—is being updated again. This time with a new co-author, Noel Rappin. The original edition of this book is how Lori (and many, many others) learned Ruby, so it’s good to see it being refreshed for the latest and greatest that Ruby has to offer.

If you are just getting started programming, the WNDX School has a great offering Programming Fundamentals with Ruby. But if you are an experienced programmer, and just want to learn the ins and outs of the Ruby language, Pickaxe is the way to go!

TALK — Talk of the Tech

Here are our selections from the Discord and Slack chat spaces respectively:

  • Linear albegra resources? — There was some discussion of this subject recently (which is really integral to game programming) on Discord but no one has a ‘cheat sheet’ or some such. Perhaps you know of one? On the other hand, if you’re really committed to learning the subject in some depth, it’s hard to beat the Khan Academy.

  • macOS Ventura issues — As is often the case, the introduction of a new macOS release throws a spanner (or perhaps a whole bag of them) into the works. The clever California name notwithstanding, that is also the case this time round.

Do you have a DragonRuby-related product or service you would like to get in front of well over 1,200 raving DragonRuby-istas? If so, please get in touch...we would love to help you get the word out in a sponsored spot like this!  Sponsored

TWIL — This Week I Learned…

Pop quiz: do you know Murphy’s Law? That’s easy, right? Surprisingly, if you thought it was “whatever can go wrong, will go wrong” (and let’s face it, we all do) then you’d be wrong. If we couldn’t make the case for the extended course on linear algebra (see above) then perhaps you want to take the extended course on the real Murph.

SPOT — Spotlight On…

Back in #115 of DRD which came out at the beginning of September, we reported that Hal & O.A.F was in ‘sneak peek’ mode. Well, we’re pleased to pass along news from Xed Industries that it’s now playable!

GAME — All Things Gaming

There’s some pretty good evidence the maximum time you’ll have your users’ attention is somewhere between seven and ten seconds. So the 20 Second Game Jam recently announced by Amir will actually be harder than it sounds at first, what with trying to maintain the players attention for twice that allotted span.

If you’re looking for inspiration, you may find it here: 20+ Best Idle Games for iOS and Android.

Tech newsletter content crunch? Intellog can help. And they have a special offer for DRD subscribers: they will curate and write the first issue of your newsletter for free. Find out more.  Sponsored

APP — All Things App

Speaking of short attention spans, think you might be able to get through one line of code? If so, then the Ruby One-Liners Cookbook might be just the ticket for you.

HAHA — And They All Laughed

</a>⬅️ We’re almost certain we’ve all been caught doing things the hard way.

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If you enjoyed this issue of the DragonRuby Dispatch, please forward to a friend and ask them to subscribe, too…we really appreciate it!

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“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” — St. Francis of Assisi (public domain)