All Newsletters

Issue 109

DRD109: The only dumb question is the one you don't ask.

On Jun 15, 2022

Issue 108

DRD108: It's the all impostors all the time issue.

On Jun 01, 2022

Issue 107

DRD107: To be a star, be on the lookout for the next AWS.

On May 18, 2022

Issue 106

DRD106: [tbd]

On May 04, 2022

Issue 105

DRD105: The eyes have it.

On Mar 23, 2022

Issue 104

DRD104: Big versus small companies, feature parity and a missing Tube station.

On Mar 09, 2022

Issue 103

DRD103: We're suckers for The Hudsucker Proxy.

On Feb 23, 2022

Issue 102

DRD102: Big companies sometimes get a bad rap. But read on before deciding you don't want to work for one.

On Feb 09, 2022

Issue 101

DRD101: Some advice on selection criteria for that first big job out of schoool.

On Jan 26, 2022

Issue 100

DRD097: [TBD]

On Dec 12, 2021

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