I’d like to send out a great big WELCOME to all the former subscribers of the RubyMotion Dispatch that signed up this week, after Todd’s farewell blast to his list. I missed the Dispatch, too, so that’s a big reason why I finally got this newsletter off the ground. Feel free to hit reply and let me know what you miss about Dispatch and what you’d like to see in this newsletter.
Also, if anyone is blogging (or streaming on YouTube Live or Twitch.tv) about their RubyMotion development adventures, let me know! I’d be happy to share any links here.
Featured in the School
Fun stuff going on in the school this week for me. I’m interviewing some of the participants from last fall’s edition of 6 Pack Apps. And getting excited for their app launches! Stay tuned, because in a couple weeks I’ll be announcing a very brief early signup window for this spring’s new and improved 6 Pack Apps. And you’ll hear it here first!
Slack Highlights
First up, we have Apple’s announcement of a NEW chipset architecture for Apple Watch 5 / watchOS 5. Amir let us know that LLVM is on it, and as soon as that work get’s merged in, RubyMotion will be able to compile for the new watch when it appears.
John Wood had some serious problems deploying to his device. Lots of interesting troubleshooting, but in the end it looks like maybe adding a device manually to the developer portal doesn’t mix well with using motion-provisioning. Removing it and letting motion-provisioning take over seems to have fixed the problem.
And then, Jamie O’Conner has some problems deploying to his 2018 iPad Pro. Turns out he had not
recently run motion repo
to update his RubyMotion templates. There was a problem with the new
style UDID, but this had been fixed (thanks Søren!). Remember to run motion repo
every so often.
There’s changes/fixes being merged in to those templates fairly often.
And if you haven’t signed up for Slack yet, you can get access by going to motioneers.herokuapp.com.
Gem of the Week
This week we have another CocoaPod from Twitter. The Twitter Logging Service, a robust and performant logging framework for iOS clients. It’s fast. It’s thread safe. And it’s as easy to use as NSLog! Not to mention that it seems to have some pretty darn good documentation, too.
I’m featuring RubyMotion gems here each week. Sometimes because they are awesome, and sometimes because they need some love. Remember, if you have a gem you’d like featured, just reply to this email, or you can PM me in Slack!
Still all quiet on the forum. But on the Ruby Subreddit, Amir made a bit of a splash with his announcement about RubyMotion will be partially open sourced will expand its runtime to console, PC ,Linux and webassembly. Lots of interesting commentary and questions there to check out, and participate in!
And here’s your reminder to introduce yourself on the Hello World post on the community forum!
App Highlight of the Week
Every once in a while I run across a mention of RubyMotion in Japanese. Often these remain a mystery to me (I’m beginning to understand why Aaron Patterson has been learning Japanese), but this time I got a link to an APP. And there’s an English version of the app page! CasualConc is a concordance app, and it makes cool word clouds with the help of R.
Psst!!! If you have an app (even if it’s not in the App Store) send me the details, and I’ll add it to the list to be featured!
TWIL (This Week I Learned) Links
This week I learned… that CocoaPods is really, really popular. In fact, it’s 3 pod installs
per second popular. Wow.
That’s it for this week!
Regards, Lori