Issue 1

Lori M Olson Lori M Olson Follow Dec 06, 2018 · 2 mins read
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Well it’s finally time. The RubyMotion Weekly Newsletter is set up and ready to roll. This takes the place of the barely launched WNDX School newsletter. I wanted to expand to include ALL THE THINGS relevant to the entire RubyMotion community. Let me know what you think?

New in the School

We have a new set of Motion In Motion episodes up. RMQ In Depth is ready to get you up to speed with this powerful UI library for RubyMotion. RMQ - RubyMotion Query is one of the many parts of Red Potion.

More MiM episodes are coming in the following weeks. If you have any special requests, just hit reply and let us know. The archive remains available, if you’d like to purchase all the episodes. The ones in the school have been vetted for currency and the source code has been updated. Why buy the Complete Collection in the school, your wonder? You will have access to ALL episodes (you’ll get a download link) anyway PLUS all future episodes as they are created.

Slack Highlights

It seems that SubEthaEdit is back in the Mac App Store for FREE! And it’s been open sourced. I suspect there will be a lot of people checking out this great editor. Thanks to Amir for the link!

Gem of the Week

I’ll be featuring RubyMotion gems here each week. Sometimes because they are awesome, and sometimes because they need some love. This week, we have one that needs some love - motion-screenshots. This gem should be taking the tedium out of creating screenshots for use in the App Store. Alas, it’s not currently working. It would be great if we could get this one working again.

Community Forum

Looks like johnw is having some problems with Universal links. If anyone can help him out, you can find the discussion here:

And don’t forget to add your own introduction to the pinned post while you are there!

App Highlight of the Week

Our first app for this is a Mac app. Versatil Markdown is a fantastic Markdown editor, written in RubyMotion.

If you have an app you’d like to have highlighted in one of our newsletters, just hit reply and let me know!

Here’s a cool set of iPad Pro tips that just popped up on Twitter, thanks to @reneritchie.

That’s it for this week!

Regards, Lori